Video conferencia con notaria

NOTARY SIGNATURE BY VIDEO CONFERENCE – This article discusses the advantages, the acts that can be carried out and the procedure for digitizing the signature before a notary by videoconference. For more information, visit

The law 24/2022, of 23 from December, which modifies the Notarial Law, has introduced important innovations in matters of notarial action and the use of digital media for the celebration of certain legal acts., with the aim of streamlining and simplifying notarial procedures and procedures.

One of these novelties is the possibility of carrying out certain notarial and registry actions without the need for the grantor to be physically present at the notary's office., but through videoconference.

Video conferencing offers a number of advantages for legal transactions, among which the following stand out:

Convenience and time savings: Parties involved in a legal transaction can connect virtually from anywhere, without the need to travel or rearrange your schedules. This saves time and costs for the parties..

Costs reduction: Video conferencing can reduce transportation costs, accommodation and notary fees.

Flexibility: The parties can choose a suitable time and place to sign the documents, especially in cases where they are located in different geographical areas.

Enhanced security measures: Video conferencing platforms use robust security protocols that protect against fraudulent activity and ensure data privacy.

The Notarial Law establishes that, from the 9 November 2023, The following events may be carried out digitally:

  • Constitution of limited liability companies with monetary contributions, commercial appointments and powers of all kinds.
  • General meeting minutes when the presence of a notary is required.
  • Commercial policies.
  • Granting of some powers: procedural representation, electoral and special, It is not possible to use this channel for preventive and general powers..
  • Revocation of powers, except the preventive ones.
  • Payment letters and guarantee cancellations.
  • The initial requirements for the minutes and those proceedings that may be carried out by videoconference.
  • Legitimations of signatures.
  • New construction declarations, without condominium termination, nor allocation of property, and the division of horizontal property.
  • Wills in a declared epidemic situation while the confinement obligation lasts.
  • Conciliation in cases that the notary considers appropriate.
  • Legal acts and businesses for which, according to its nature, is established by regulation.

To carry out a notarial act by videoconference, The grantor must follow the following procedure:

  1. Access the Citizen Portal using the electronic signature certificate. If the grantor does not have an electronic signature, You can be provided with it free of charge..
  2. In the act of granting through videoconference, The notary must show the public document to the appearing party through the platform, so that you can exercise your right to read it, without prejudice to the alternative reading by the notary and the advice that must be provided regarding its content.
  3. The notary will authorize the document with his electronic signature and it will be incorporated into the electronic protocol and the paper protocol..

The ability to sign deeds and policies via video conferencing represents a transformative development that is streamlining legal processes.. Not only does it offer convenience and time savings, but also reduces costs and improves security measures. To learn more about the future of this technology, You can consult us by visiting our web.

With the legal framework that is adapted to recognize the validity of electronic signatures, video conferencing-enabled signings set to become the norm, revolutionizing the way legal transactions are carried out now and in the future.