Unique tourist and seasonal rental record in Catalonia: Complete Guide

In recent years, The tourist and seasonal rental has lived a remarkable boom. This growth has made it necessary to establish a stricter regulation to guarantee the transparency and legal certainty of all parties involved. In Catalonia, The single tourist and seasonal registry plays a fundamental role in controlling this activity, ensuring that the regulations are complied with and a quality service is offered.

What is the unique registry?

It is an official database where all owners or companies that manage housing for tourist or seasonal rental should be registered. Its main objective is to establish a legal framework to regulate this activity and ensure that local regulations and quality standards are met.

Who should register?

Registration in the registry is mandatory for:

– Housing owners for short -term tourist rental.
– Vacation rental companies.
– Housing Department for Seasonal Rentals.

In Catalonia, With the entry into force of the Decree Law 6/2024, Temporary rentals that cover permanent housing needs (For work reasons, Educational The Doctors) They must also follow the price regulation of the State Housing Law. Although previously the contracts of 11 months did not require registration, Now they could be subject to this obligation if they comply with the new criteria established.

It is important to keep in mind that regulations can vary according to the Autonomous Community or the country, So it is always advisable to consult the current legislation in your area.

Since when is it mandatory to obtain the rental registration number?

The Royal Decree 1312/2024, approved 23 from December, The 2 January 2025. Although it is already possible to obtain the registration number from that date, It will not be mandatory until the 1 July of 2025. From that date, All owners or managers must ensure their registration number to comply with current regulations.

Floor for temporary rental

What are the objectives of the registration?

He Unique record It has several important objectives that make it essential for the sector:

1. Control and supervision: Allows local authorities to control and verify compliance with regulations.
2. Consumer protection: Ensures that tenants access housing that meet the established quality and safety standards.
3. Fiscal transparency: It helps to guarantee compliance with the tax obligations of the owners and prevents the submerged economy.
4. Urban Planning: Collaborates in avoiding the saturation of tourist housing in certain areas, favoring a balanced urban development.

What requirements are necessary for registration?

To record a home in the system, The owners must present certain documents and meet some requirements, as:

– Owner or manager data.
– Identification of the property: Cadastral reference and property address.
– License or municipal permit to operate as a tourist rent in some cases.
– Habitability or Tourist Quality Certificate, certify that housing complies with local security and habitability standards.
– Civil liability insurance that covers accidents or damage during the stay.
– Compliance with safety and accessibility regulations. Housing must have extinguishers, emergency exits and be accessible to people with disabilities.

What happens if you don't register?

If you do not meet the obligation to register in the system, You could face economic sanctions ranging from 3.000 to the 90.000 euros. Besides, Authorities can prohibit operating as a tourist rental and even disqualifying you to carry out future registrations.


The single tourist and seasonal rental record is an essential tool to guarantee legality, Transparency and quality of the holiday rental sector. In Catalonia, The new regulations on seasonal rentals underlines the importance of complying with current regulations to avoid sanctions and ensure the legal certainty of all involved.

If you are thinking of starting a tourist or seasonal rental, I recommend that you advise well and review the current legislation in your area, especially in communities such as Catalonia, They have specific regulations.

Asesórate con Araico Assessors

If you are considering starting a tourist or seasonal rental activity in Catalonia and you need help to better understand the regulations or to register in the Single Registry, in Araico Assessors We have a team of experts that can advise you throughout the process. Do not hesitate to put yourself in Contact with us To solve all your doubts and guarantee compliance with current regulations